Intra-District School Choice

Please select the appropriate link below that matches the school you want your child to attend.

The links above will be active during the choice timeline as shown in the procedure section below.


The Taconic and Green Regional School District offers the opportunity for parents and guardians to request their child attend a school other than their town designated school as per Local Policy 2, through Intra-District School Choice.

Intra-district choice means that a student can choose to attend another public school operated by the Taconic and Green Regional School District.

The choices are:

  • Currier Memorial School (gr. K-5)

  • Sunderland Elementary School (gr. K-6)

  • The Dorset School (gr. K-8)

  • Flood Brook School (gr. K-8)

  • Manchester Elementary Middle School (gr. K-8)

Parents/guardians of students within the District may apply for Intra-District School Choice. Choice may be limited, where necessary, due to the operational needs of the District and any applicable legal requirements. Decisions regarding choice shall consider factors including, but not limited to, transportation, socio-economic equity, proximity to the selected building, unity of siblings, and the classroom capacities of receiving schools and sending schools.

A lottery system will be used if a school receives more requests for placement than space available.


To apply for Intra-District Choice, families must apply following the procedure and deadlines as outlined below. All applications must be made by filling out the appropriate Google Form using the buttons above.  Parents/guardians will be notified of the decision by the school according to the dates in the procedure. Approval is not guaranteed.

When applying for a school choice transfer the student is making a commitment. If a student has transferred to a new school via Intra-District Choice, they are expected to attend their choice school at least through the end of the school year they enroll. If they would like to attend another school within the district the following year, they shall apply for consideration.

Siblings may apply to attend a school with an older sibling. Efforts will be made to keep siblings together but cannot be guaranteed.

Transportation for Intra-District School Choice students is the responsibility of the parents. Bus routes are not designed around school choice, though there may be limited availability along existing bus routes for school choice students. When bus routes are finalized for the school year, the routes will be made available to parents.

Families applying for Intra-District School Choice choice must follow the following timetable and deadlines:

March 1 - Notification of school choice process

March 31 - Deadline for first round of applications

April 15 - Parents notified of school choice application outcome

July 31 - Deadline for second round of applications

Mid-August - Parents notified of school choice application outcome

Length of Placement

Once a student is placed, they shall remain at their choice school until Grade 9. If a student wishes to attend a different school the following year they must again participate in the school choice placement procedure.