Food Service

Serving students in the schools operated by the Mettawee and Taconic & Green School Districts.

"We strive to prepare homemade, nutritious meals with a variety of fresh and local ingredients for our students to enjoy."

My School Menus button

Click on the picture above to go to menus

Menus are ready!

We are pleased to announce My School Menus mobile app for parents and students. Available in the iTunes App Store and Google Play. My School Menus allows access to nutrition information for meal programs on any device in the palm of your hands. My School Menus is designed to provide nutrition information for the menu items offered. This app will enable parents, students and teachers to make healthy food choices whenever it’s convenient, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Parents can access this service by going to either the iTunes App Store or Google Play and downloading the app to their device.

You can also get the same information by clicking HERE or on the My School Menus logo on the left. There, you can easily print nutrition information and district menus for posting at home.

The Food Service Department is excited to offer parents and students this nutrition resource.

The district name is Bennington Rutland Supervisory Union.

Contact Me!

Food Services Director

Stephanie Gates

802-362-2452 ext. 1518

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